Community health


Dutabarane is involved in community health, which aims to "empower" communities, to build capacities in order to get involved in the management of their individual and collective health. It is a health promotion approach and is an integral part of public health forming a strategy as part of health promotion efforts. Its specificity is to be populative and not individual and to promote and implement a global and closer vision of health. Community health is an essential approach to health and social planning for policy and government. Dutabarane also intervenes by involving a strong community participation. It is a multisectoral approach to health and an original format for tripartite collaboration between the community, local authorities and technical and financial partners.

The observed and/or expected effects of community health are at several levels interacting with each other:

    - Individual effects: increased self-esteem, decreased risk behaviors,
    - Organizational effects: strengthening of dialogue between inhabitants and        administration, development of mutual aid, expansion of inter-professional        and inter-institutional cooperation.
    - Collective effects: improving living conditions in a community
    - Social effects: improving safety in a community, improving safety in a        territory.
    - Political effects: engagement in political life

Since 2018, Dutabarane has been implementing a community health project in the Rwibaga Health District in Bujumbura Health Province. The project called "Integrated Management of Diseases of children under five years of age at the Community Level in Burundi" is being implemented in a consortium with COPED and World Relief under the "Integrated Community Case Management" approach.

In this project, Dutabarane implemented 118 health groups composed by 2372 Volunteers and each care group to its leader. Key health messages on pneumonia, diarrhea, malnutrition, malaria and nutrition are disseminated at the level of these care groups and each volunteer is in charge of ten households in which they give key health messages received at the level of care groups. The groups meet twice a month. All these activities are done in close collaboration with the technical teams of the Ministry of Public Health and AIDS control at the level of the health district, health centers and with the local administration. The incidence of these different pathologies decreases by the day according to statistics from the Rwibaga Health District. In this health district, activities related to community resilience are carried out through village savings and credit associations, and farmers' fields and schools.