Food Security

Livestock Breeding


We have a long-term commitment to ensure that people, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, participate in activities aimed at sustainable livelihoods and food security

On the livestock breeding side, the Sarura-2 project contributes to the repopulation of the goat herd. Through this project, five hundred and seventy (570) improved pigs (570) were distributed to the members of the groupings in two phases, of which one hundred and ninety (190) in the first tranche and three hundred and sixty (370) pigs in the second tranche. Any member who has received a pig must distribute five pigs (5) to his neighbors by chain of community solidarity. The chain of community solidarity continues gradually between the members of groups in the first place and between the other members of the community in the second place.

Small and large livestock can significantly improve the incomes of rural people, both men and women, while strengthening household food and nutrition security and resilience. Livestock provide a wide range of nutritious and protein-rich foods - eggs, meat, milk and honey - that can be processed into a wide variety of products. It thus contributes to the diversification of the diet and generates income. Animal droppings can be used as fertilizer for crops and as fuel for cooking.



We support sustainable family farming, with a view to improving food security and contributing to inclusive economic growth.

Agriculture is a key sector for Burundi's development. But low productivity, land fragmentation, poor control of water management, and problems with product processing and conservation are structural constraints to agricultural growth.

In this context, we provide substantial and integrated support to the development of the agricultural sector through the supervision of populations through the Farmer Field School (FFS) using the RIPAT approach: "Rural Initiative for Participatory Agricultural Transformation". This approach allows the population grouped in the FFS to improve their knowledge and agricultural techniques through the principle "Learning by doing". Members of FFS groups discuss different cultural techniques but also improve their advocacy skills.

We also provide vulnerable members of the community with access to credit and loans through village savings and Loan associations (VSLAs). Access to loans allows families to meet their daily household needs and to undertake non-farm income-generating activities to supplement their farming activities.